
Q. Will I be charged for a missed appt.
A. The short answer is yes. We do require 24 hours notice for all cancelled appointments. This is of course subject to the owners discretion. Special circumstances are taken into consideration. Please note: if you have been asked for a CC# previously and you DO no-show EVER, you will be charged the full amount of your service.
Q. Can I get a Brazilian if I am under 18?
A. Although there are no laws against getting a Brazilian under the age of 18, we do require parental/guardian consent.
Q. How long will my skin stay red after a waxing?
A. For most people the redness goes away within 1 hour. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin it could last for up to 24. After waxing, do not tan or jump in chlorine for at least 24 hours. Avoid perfumes, scrubs, or other irritants the day of the waxing service. If you're a bride or attending a special occasion, we recommend receiving waxing services a month before your special day to see how your skin reacts. If everything is fine, reschedule another wax a day or two before.
Q. Is there anything I should do to prepare for my waxing?
A. Yes, make sure that you are as clean as a whistle. Just as you would be if you were going to your annual gynecological appointment.
Also, some people find it helpful to take an ibuprofen about 20 minutes before a waxing appointment.
Q. Can I get a brazilian wax while I am on my period?
A. Typically, we recommend waiting to get your Brazilian until your period is over. However, we understand that life must go on. So, feel free to make an appointment during your time of the month if you need to.
Q. How long do I have to wait before my first bikini wax?
A. Your hair needs to be at least 1/4" in length. Any shorter than this and we cannot achieve optimal results.